Happy New Year. The weather hasn't been friendly, but waking up in the morning has been much better since we stopped listening to a certain local radio station on the clock radio and switched, instead, to BBC 6 Music on the DAB. The morning guy started his show off with Debaser the other day. My favorite show is Tom Ravenscroft's Friday evenings, and I just managed to get an old computer to play the clip from last week, which I'm happy about.
6 Music: http://www.bbc.co.uk/6music
One caveat is that American college stations (which I do miss sometimes) have their own ramshackle charm, and more freewheeling, deep-cutting shows, but for a very professional station, with lots of convenient features (playlists with sample audio clips of the songs played, for example), 6 Music is excellent, and unlike BBC TV features, it streams outside the UK.